"Eddie My Love" is a 1956 doo wop song which was written by Aaron Collins.
Collins wrote the song for his sisters, Betty and Rosie, members of the group The Teen Queens. He originally planned for it to be called Johnny My Love, in recognition of the many Johnny Ace tribute songs, but as these were fading from popularity at the time, he changed the name to Eddie.
The Queens recorded the song in 1956, and took it to number three on the R&B Best Seller chart and number fourteen on the Billboard Charts[1]. It was to become their biggest selling single, with several follow up records failing to generate the same success.
Other versions of Eddie My Love were also recorded in 1956, by The Chordettes and The Fontane Sisters, these also charted, and by Jo Ann Campbell in 1961.
Reggae versions have been recorded by Nora Dean in 1974 and later by UK-based Jamaican vocal group The Marvels.